RCFlight-Tips can be of great value to those new to the hobby.
The following RCFlight-Tips are listed below:
Balance your Airplane
Preflight Check
Taking Off
Landing the Airplane
Balance Your Airplane
An airplane must be balanced properly in order to fly successfully. If the airplane is not properly balanced it will
be unstable and likely crash.
To properly balance your rc airplane, the battery pack and
reciever must be installed in their correct positions on the
model. The propeller, spinner and muffler should also be installed on the engine and connected and ready for flight.
Always balance your aircraft with the fuel tank empty!
Between 3 1/2" to 4 1/4" Behind the leading edge of the wing.
(within this range is safe and acceptable)
Pre-flight Check
The pre-flight is very important for any airplane. RC model
aircraft can be very dangerous if safety is not practiced.
Follow the safety manual that comes with your new airplane. If
you do not understand the manual first time, read it over again
until it begins to make sense.
Range check your radio transmitter according to the
manufacturer's instructions before flying.
Run your new airplane engine though at least two tanks
of fuel.
Double check the alignment and movement of all the controls
one more time to be sure everything is functioning properly.
Make sure none of the pushrods are binding or the servos
Be sure to CHARGE your reciever batteries before
each flying session at least 5 to 7 hours.
Taking Off
OK, now that you have the feel of flying a rc airplane, it is
time to learn TAKING OFF.
It is not as hard as it might seem, I learnt this part of airplane flying on my own. Although it is best to let an
experienced rc pilot assist you until you get the hang of taking your aircraft up unassisted.
It takes constant practice and after a while taking off will
become second nature. You wont worry about it anymore.
To learn how to fly an airplane off the ground.
Face your airplane toward the direction you plan to
take off from.
Slowly advance your engine throttle forward, try to keep the
airplane straight as it heads down the runway. Slowly pull the elevator stick back on your transmitter,
your airplane will slowly but gently lift off the runway into
the sky.
Let the aircraft rise to about 100ft and start a slight
left or right turn, and level your airplane.
Reduce the engine speed to about half throttle, EXHALE for
a moment.
The airplane should be flying at a safe altitude.
When you are ready to land your plane, let an experienced pilot land your airplane until you learn how to land.
Landing the Airplane
I really like Landing the Airplane, it has not always been that
way. In my early stages of rc flying, I was terrified of landing.
All because I did not know how to properly handle a model for
that stage of flying.
I asked an experienced rc pilot help me learn how to land safely. I applied the landing tips I recieved from the experienced pilot.
After a few sessions with an experienced flying instructor, my
landing approaches improved greatly.
In conclusion, I suggest you do like wise, if you cannot land
your airplane.
Be patient and apply the above RCFlight-Tips one step at a
Keep up with RC Safety!
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